
Glee 1×05 – The Rhodes Not Taken

October 3, 2009

We’re back to multi song extravaganzas this episode, as Will brings in an old member of Glee to replace the missing Rachel. It’s all about the ladies singing this episode, starring Kristin Chenoweth from Pushing Daisies as the former star April Rhodes.

The episode begins with Quinn taking the female lead vocals with Finn. Her voice is nice, but she’s obviously no Rachel.

Maybe This Time (Originally by Liza Minelli, Cabaret)

April performs this song as her introduction to the rest of the Glee Club members to prove that she’s not a washup. Simultaneously, Rachel is singing this song in her play rehearsal. April has a strong voice, and really hits the sexy big musical number feel of the song (it’s very Chicago), but it’s Rachel with her powerhouse voice that really gives it great body. It’s a song about finally being a winner, something these 2 ladies (the washed up has-been who was once a star, and the girl who everyone hates despite her talent) want more than anything else.


Alone (Orginally by Heart)

Will’s boyhood dream was to sing with his first crush and the reason he joined Glee Club, so April drags him up onto the stage despite it being Bingo night, and they sing Alone by Heart. Shy as I am to admit it, this is a great blasting and yelling along to song. I thought this version was pretty nice, with Will singing better vocals. I only wish it wasn’t so abbreviated and we got the full version!


Last Name (Originally by Carrie Underwood)

I haven’t heard this number before, but it’s a pretty cute song, though I’m not sure how appropriate it is that high schoolers are singing this. The cowboy costumes and line dancing were cute! And is it me or is this video mirror imaged?


Somebody to Love (Originally by Queen)

After April’s departure, Rachel decides to return to Glee and takes over April’s part as she belts out a stunning rendition of Somebody to Love with Finn and the Glee club. This particular song, while comparable to the first hit ‘Don’t stop believing’, is distinct in that we have 12 voices instead off 5, and it seems much more of a team effort even though Finn and Rachel still take the leads. That bit by Mercedes was wooh! Girl has quite a set of lungs on her! It’s no vocal adrenaline song-and-dance, but definitely a pretty good song.


Overall, some great liners this episode, like Kurt looking like an 11 year old milkmaid. I seriously LOLed at that one! Finn trying to seduce Rachel back to glee? oh poor confused boy, I’m surprised Quinn didn’t pick up on it, but perhaps she’s too distracted with puking and morning sickness to notice. Puck outs her to the glee club, so there’s definitely upcoming baby drama…


  1. Aww I love this show, such talent! Glad to see you’re watching too!

    • It’s the song and dance thing, I love musicals! I can’t believe people can sing and dance at the same time without ever sounding out of breath!

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